Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Response to Documentary Film Maker

Honestly, im going to be short and to the point. The Filmmaker, as her name alludes me, made amazing and vision changing work. First of all her first piece kind of confused me a little and when her presentation progressed i started to understand her background and started to feel her art work a little bit more. In her other pieces her shots were impeccable and her editing was unique. Her shots were captivating the way she caught the immigrants trying to flee Mexico into the united states was very moving. Other shots she had were kind of unique and stood out alot more than most shots in documentaries would. Other than that all i really have to say is that her body of work was very moving. Honestly i had no idea how long this blog entry had to be so Dylan i hope your getting a kick of how short this is and you aren't penalizing me for it.

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