Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Media and Film in a Digital Age 2 First Blog

Sorry im a little late on the blog, i recently did not have computer access for a while. Personally there are many sites that i love going on everyday., which is everyone's vice, is probably the number one site that im on everyday due to its addictive nature. Others that i will never stop going on are, and all in part to my obsession with film and film production. Most of the things that annoy me online are popups and when you go on those certain sites that have adds that make sounds and you cant stop them. Those sites happen to piss me off the most because usually i am watching an video on said sites and i cant hear the video because i am listening to a stupid add. Many sites have actually revolutionized the world and the way that the world revolves. Sites such as google, yahoo, and even facebook have made life easier everyday for most of the worlds population along with making it easier to research and get in contact with old friends. Looking through history many inventions have done such to revolutionize the world as much as the internet has done. Its so hard to just pick one invention so if i had to pick multiple inventions i would choose the printing press, the television, electricity and the telephone. With all of these inventions the citizens of the world has had a much easier time doing what is needed to do to survive. Honestly the next biggest thing online are movies, and although movies are already online, i mean movies that are in theaters, but you will have to pay to watch them online instead of what is around today where you can watch these movies for free.